Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last Christmas

I spend last Christmas with my girls at The Gardens. It was a few days after Christmas since everyone spent Christmas with their families and friends. I spent my Christmas with the beau and we watched 'The Hobbit' at GSC Premiere, The Gardens. It was my second time watching that movie but it's awesome so it was no biggie. XD

Mainly, it was to exchange presents and catch-up since we haven't seen each other in ages. Emily and Audrey are working while Amanda and Samantha has to prepare for their finals. I'm the only one on break till the end of February.

Amanda, Emily, Samantha, Audrey and 1. :)

Once you dine in Hokkaido Ichiban, you can't miss ordering desserts as much as you are too full to eat another spoonful.

What I ordered, Brownie with Vanilla Ice-cream. I think they warmed up the brownie so the chocolate is all melty and yummy. Hokkaido Ichiban has really good ice-cream too. Try the Salted Caramel, Vanilla and Wine flavour. :)

My Christmas gifts from the girls! XD Who doesn't love getting presents? I hope the girls liked my gifts to them. I can't wait to try out the recipes in that cookbook that Amanda got for me! I already tried the Chamomile Tea that Emily got for me and it's really soothing. I always drink it every night because it has no caffeine. I'm starting to take a liking to teas. The other day, I saw Regina, my Mexican friend posted a picture of her tea collection in Tumblr, I was like O_O. She really loves her tea.

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